How to monitor size of Tivoli Data Warehouse database (TDWH) to reduce space.
I think that a lot of you have a problem with too rapidly growing size of data collected in Data Warehouse database.
Especially when you test new data collections, and some of them after a while you remove, back out of them.
After my tests and under normally work I have to reorganize top of tables (20 tables) to reduce space.
Of course, you can calculate the amount of data being collected and warehoused by the Tivoli agents in yours TDWH. You can use for it by this spreadsheet:,
but do you have time for it or do you want to use it? :)
1. I use ITCAM Agent for DB2, where I used "Customized SQLs" group.
Default, I used properties file: where I defined new entries: SELECTSQL
SQL_TEXT= select sum(((decimal(float(t.fpages)/ ( 1024 / (b.pagesize/1024)),9,2)) - (decimal(float(t.npages)/ ( 1024 / (b.pagesize/1024)),9,2)))) as SUMA from syscat.tables t, syscat.tablespaces b where t.tbspace=b.tbspace and tabschema='ITMUSER' and ((float(t.npages)/ ( 1024 / (b.pagesize/1024)) * 100)) / (float(t.fpages)/ ( 1024 / (b.pagesize/1024))) between 1 and 95;
SQL_ID - this is unique name SQL definition
SQL_TEXT - this is my SQL statement
In ITM, you can see this:
2. Next, in ITM I builded new situatuation:
This situation will fired when attribute "First Number Value" will be bigger than 5000 (5GB). After that I reorganize my 20 top of tables to reduce space.
If you like this or not - please write any comments below, thanks:)
or if you have any questions please send me email. I'll try to explain more.