środa, 9 listopada 2016

IBM Tivoli Monitoring - iSeries Management Central monitor

How to get events from System iSeries Navigator (Management Central).

In Management Central I've set a few metrics to monitor my iSeries server, e.g. "Disk Arm Utilization", "CPU Utilization" or "User Pool Faults".

On these metrics I've set thresholds when metrics get a bad value.

OK, but I would like to see these problems on IBM ITM.
How to do it?

1. First, I have to set thresholds, as I've wrote above.

In Management Central, you can see this:

2. Next, in ITM I builded new situatuation: 


Done :)

If you like this or not - please write any comments below, thanks:)
or if you have any questions please send me email. I'll try to explain more.

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